Where do I register? All residents over the age of 18 are encouraged to vote. Please stop at the village office to register. You will need a current driver’s license for identification or other valid proof of residence. If your driver’s license has been updated to your new address, you may register to vote online at myvote.wi.gov.
Where do I vote? All elections are held at the Village Hall located at 228 E Main Street. Polls are open from 7AM to 8PM on Election Day. You must reside in the Village of St. Nazianz 28 days prior to an election to vote in our district, or you must return to your previous polling place to vote. If you need to vote by absentee ballot, please contact the village clerk for the proper procedures to be followed. The last day for in-person absentee voting is the Friday before any election. You will need a photo ID on Election Day at the polls to be able to vote; please bring it with you.
What's on the ballot? Go to myvote.wi.gov. Ballots are typically available 47 days before an election with federal contests and 21 days before state and local contests.