
Wisconsin Public Service provides natural gas and electric service in the Village.  Please call 800-450-7260 for customer service.

Do you have a streetlight that is not working properly? You can report the problem directly to WPS. Simply go to the WPS website: www.wisconsinpublicservice.com/secure/ssl/acct/street_light to complete and submit a short form. You will need the pole number, located on a metal plate on the pole (normally a 6-digit number-letter combination).

TDS Telecom provides telephone, internet, and TV services in this area.  The local office is located in Cleveland.  Please call 887-837-8372 for customer service.

Spectrum provides telephone, internet, and cable TV services in this area. Please call 800-627-2288 for customer service or visit their website at www.spectrum.com.

Diggers Hotline  Notify Diggers Hotline by calling 811 or making an online request at diggershotline.com 3 business days before beginning work.  Wait 3 business days for affected utility operators to respond to your call.  Respect the marks provided by the utility operators for the duration of your project.  Dig carefully.