Yard Care

MOWING:  Please cut and/or trim your yards including the back yards of your property. Long grass and weeds provide a habitat for wild animals that we do not want to come into the village.  Do not blow your grass clippings onto streets – it blocks up the storm sewers.  Please mow the edge of your lawn along the curb so the grass blows into your yard.

TREES:  Please trim your trees that hang over the street.  They should be trimmed behind the curb and 14’ above the street or the Village will do it and send you a bill.  Call the village office if you have questions. 

BRUSH DROP-OFF SITE:  Yard waste, consisting of sticks and small limbs can be dropped off at the brush drop off site located at 110 Colonial Drive. This site is only to be used by Village of St. Nazianz properties and residents.  It is not to be used by anyone who lives outside of the village limits.  No garbage bags of any type are allowed at the brush drop off site. Dump your clippings and take your bag along.  No dog feces are allowed at the brush drop off site.

SNOW REMOVAL:  It is the owner’s responsibility to clean the sidewalk of snow or ice to the width of the sidewalk within 24 hours after the snow has ceased to fall.  Failure to do so may result in a service charge from the village.  Please DO NOT shovel snow onto the street.